Golden Boot Junior


TRAINING TIME : 1 hour 30 minutes

At this stage, our goal is to encourage children to be adventurous with the ball. The sessions allow our Golden Boot Junior’ to build on their technical skills while running, stopping and changing direction, dribbling, and kicking with the ball during fun games. 3vs3 is the playing format, so players touch more of the ball. During sessions, we also introduce many skill sets by using unique fun drills. In this way of working, we focus on developing speed, function, skills and fitness so the children become fitter and

Golden Boot Junior


TRAINING TIME: 1 hour 30 minutes

At this stage, we focus on the individual player and skills development in a positive and FUN environment, with an emphasis on dribbling, ball mastery (techniques), and maximum time on the ball in an unstructured format. Learning to read the movements going on around are critical skills to be developed at this age. Our sessions are set up to allow the players to focus on playing small-sided games to improve their ability to read the game and anticipate opposition moves. In this manner of practice, we develop the decision-making process and expose the children to working out problems and coming up with solutions. 3vs3 is the playing format, so children have a lot of scoring and dribbling
opportunities. They also can utilize specific ball skills and work on the transition from attacking to defending. However, the last term of the football season, we focus on playing 5vs5 so our ‘Golden Boot Juniors’ can prepare in the best possible way for the following seasons. Furthermore, we continuously improve physical ability, such as developing the ABCs – Agility, Balance, Coordination, and Speed, as well as their mental, psychological, social, and emotional skills.